Complaint Explorer

Log in to explore complaints

Search complaints, company responses, and attachments. Find similar complaints and compare companies by volume. Save your queries and share links with other users. Visualize findings through graphs and maps.

CFPB staff and contractors

With an approved data access agreement, you can log in to Complaint Explorer

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Government agencies

With an executed agreement, certain federal, state, and local agencies can explore complaints in the Government Portal.

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Warning - Privacy Notice

This is a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) information system. The CFPB is an agency of the United States Government. CFPB information systems are provided for the processing of official information only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative action, as well as civil and criminal penalties.

You must only access information for your role as authorized and you may not capture, copy, upload, download, print, transmit, or store information contained in this system without an authorized purpose. Because this is a CFPB information system, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system. All data contained on CFPB information systems is owned by CFPB and your use of the CFPB information system serves as your consent to your usage being monitored, intercepted, recorded, read, copied, captured or otherwise audited in any manner, by authorized personnel, including but not limited to employees, contractors and/or agents of the United States Government.

I understand that by using this system, I will be accessing personally identifiable information (PII) and confidential information (CI) and I understand my responsibilities to safeguard all CFPB information. I understand that this data is sensitive and for authorized use only. I understand that unauthorized access, disclosure, and use of PII and CI constitutes a breach. All suspected and confirmed breaches of PII and CI must be reported immediately, and no later than 24 hours upon discovery to the CFPB Privacy Office and CFPB users must also report through the CFPB Service Center.

By using this government information system, you confirm that you have read and agree to the full terms of the Government Portal Agreement.